Mesothelioma is a type of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos, a group of minerals used in building insulation and other commercial applications. Long-term exposure to, and inhalation of asbestos fibers leads to the buildup of scar tissue in the lungs. These fibers can cause mesothelioma as well as almost any other type of cancer. Mesothelioma is a very serious form of cancer, which may cause those affected to believe that the only possible cures are those that are accepted in modern western medicine.
The truth; however, is that, like any other type of cancer, mesothelioma can be cured naturally without the use of drugs, chemotherapy, surgery or radiation. Unknown to many is the fact that holistic cancer treatments are fully capable of reversing even the most severe forms of late stage cancer. Through the application of a variety of treatments including nutrition, mediation, detoxification, herbal medicine, and others, mesothelioma, like any other cancer, can be conquered.
Treatment options
Most traditional western doctors will likely give a very poor prognosis to those diagnosed with mesothelioma. This is only because traditional cancer treatments have a very low rate of success for curing this, and most other, forms of cancer. This is why it is advisable to instead see a holistic health practitioner that has experience with treating cancer. You can then discuss natural treatment options that have much higher success rates.
Gerson therapy
The Gerson therapy is a vegetable juice based cancer treatment program founded by Max Gerson. The program concentrates on removing toxins from the body and providing it the nutrients it needs to heal naturally. Gerson therapy has been successful in curing many severe cases of cancer in which traditional treatments have failed miserably. Treatments can be done at a Gerson treatment center or in your own home. To see for yourself what Gerson therapy is capable of, watch the documentary The Gerson Miracle. Gerson is just one example of the many alternative cancer treatment programs available.
The Healing Code
One aspect of healing that is all too often overlooked is the mental aspect. The subconscious is vitally important in overcoming any form of disease. The Healing Code, a bestselling book by Dr. Alex Loyd and Dr. Ben Johnson, provides the tools that allow the mind to conquer disease. Reading this book is a very important first step towards healing. Only once the mind is in the correct state can the body begin to heal.
Success Stories
The website features the names and survival stories of many mesothelioma survivors. This site does not necessarily advocate alternative medicine, yet most of the survivors listed on this page attribute their healing to natural and alternative cures. Some of the treatments mentioned by these survivors include “meditation,” “nutrition,” “mind-body therapy,” “massage therapy,” “holistic treatments,” “homeopathy,” “antioxidants,” and “herbal therapy.” By reading the success stories of other mesothelioma survivors you can begin to gain hope and the knowledge that the natural treatment of this cancer is not only possible, but the best option.
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Natural Cures for Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is a rare cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. Is it possible to cure mesothelioma the natural way, given its poor prognosis? The answer is a resounding yes! In recent years, Paul Kraus, Rhio O`Connor and others chose to avoid conventional cancer therapies, feeling that they would have a better chance of survival by using supplements, herbs, rest and a nutritious diet. In so doing, they have provided living proof that curing this malignant cancer and living a long and healthy life is possible.
What Exactly is Mesothelioma Cancer?
A person may have been exposed to asbestos at work and inhaled asbestos dust or fibers. The fibers then become lodged in the membranes that surround the lungs, heart or abdomen. Over a period of time, these fibers cause tissue abnormalities, resulting in mesothelioma cancer.
Symptoms of Mesothelioma
Many people are not too worried when mesothelioma symptoms first appear, since the symptoms are vague and are sometimes thought to be nothing more than a bad case of flu. Symptoms can include shortness of breath, chest pain and/or a persistent cough.
Once diagnosed, mesothelioma carries a very poor prognosis particularly because it is a cancer that is often diagnosed late. Many people diagnosed with this disease are told to “put your affairs in order”.
Conventional treatments include chemotherapy, radiation and surgery.
Hope comes in the form of those who have survived mesothelioma. A closer look at their methods of fighting cancer the natural way can encourage others who have contracted the disease and help them to see that life can be extended for many years.
Mesothelioma Survivors
Mesothelioma survivor Paul Kraus was determined to fight his peritoneal mesothelioma cancer the natural way. He became a vegetarian and started a rigorous anti-cancer diet which included organic fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, nuts and rice. In addition, he added many vitamins and supplements to his daily routine, consumed freshly squeezed juices and tried a treatment known as “ozone therapy”. The rationale for ozone therapy is that cancer cells do not thrive in an oxygenated environment.
Paul Kraus’ prognosis was very poor and he was told by his doctors, very honestly, that his chance of success with chemotherapy was not high at all. In addition, he was informed that the quality of his life would be severely compromised by the heavy chemotherapy treatments that would be prescribed. He was given a year to live but has survived a further eleven years by going the natural route.
Mesothelioma survivor Rhio O’Connor contracted pleural mesothelioma after asbestos exposure in his youth. He decided against surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Instead, with some help from physicians, he developed a regimen that included consuming more than 100 supplements daily, following a nutritious diet and practicing holistic, mind-body medicine.
O`Connor was inspired by Hippocrates who, more than 2,000 years ago, said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. O`Connor is the published author of the book “They Said Months, I Chose Years: A Mesothelioma Survivor`s Story.”
Told that he had less than a year to live and to take his wife on a cruise, he fought mesothelioma the natural way and lived a further 7 years to tell the tale.
It is a fact that many malignant mesothelioma survivors have taken steps to improve or enhance their immune system. Certain herbs have been used throughout history for the treatment of various cancers. Because natural substances are difficult to patent, drug companies will typically not invest money to research and develop these substances.
With careful investigation and research, the mesothelioma victim can make an informed choice as to the best way to fight the cancer and prolong life.
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The post Can Mesothelioma be Cured Naturally? appeared first on Men's Health Review.
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